
JLスタッフは 「優れた人材を求める学校・企業」 と 「よりよい仕事を求める人」 との間に立ち、それぞれの多様なご要望に適切にお応えします。 教育コンサルタントとして学校・企業カウンセリングで培ったノウハウを確実に活かし、人材の派遣、紹介、研修まで、教育専門機関であるからこそ実現できる的確で、充実した人材ソリューションを提案します。


「高い語学力・教授経験を持った即戦力となる人材」を、学校・企業側が「必要なとき」に「必要な期間だけ」活用できる、それが人材派遣JLスタッフです。 JLスタッフは「優れた人材を求める学校・企業」と「よりよい仕事を求める人」との間に立ち、それぞれの多様なご要望に適切にお応えします。 教育事業部の学校・企業カウンセリングや土曜学校に代表されるプロジェクト委託等 で培ったノウハウを確実に活かし、人材の派遣、紹介、研修まで、教育機関であるからこそ実現できる的確で、充実した人材ソリューションを提案します。 JLスタッフは実際に現場を知ることによって、お客様の人材に関するあらゆるニーズをより良く理解し、正確で迅速な対応、グローバル ヒューマン サービスを提供します。 講師・人材派遣サービスはもちろんのこと、コンサルティング、業務委託・人材研修・教育全般の企画・運営、語学・情報・経済と幅広い分野の特化型プロジェクトの企画、運営で培ったノウハウと豊富な経験を基に、ご提案から導入、研修、カウンセリング、フォローアップまで一貫した人材ソリューションをご紹介します。



JLスタッフの人材サービスは、外国人・日本人英語語学講師(常勤・非常勤)及び国際企業への人材派遣・紹介、各教育・企業人材研修の実施、教育プロジェクト業務委託など学校内外の幅広い分野を網羅しています。 また、時代と共に変化するワークスタイルに応じて、新しい教育・人材ソリューションをご提案するとともに【講師派遣・紹介】【企業人材派遣・紹介】【教員向け研修】【企業人材研修】【教育プロジェクト業務委託】【教育関連企画・コンサルティング】など学校・企業のお客様のあらゆるニーズにお応えすべく、様々な角度から教育人材サービスを展開しています。
【学校向け】                                                  【企業向け】
※ 講師派遣・紹介                                          ※ 企業人材派遣・紹介
※ 教員向け研修                                             ※ 企業人材研修
※ 教育プロジェクト業務委託                           ※ 教育関連企画・コンサルティング






















スタッフの派遣、管理 JLスタッフの担当者は派遣スタッフフォローを行い、サービス精神向上に努めます。































Worker Search

With JL-Staff, you can find the Solution for your organization's Human Resource issues.


The workers provided through JL-Staff can step into your company or school's job situation and immediately be effective with their high linguistic skill and working experience. This allows a quick use of new staff with almost no training time.

The system of temporary staffing is a 3-tier relationship between a Client (school or company), the temp staff (temporary worker), and JL-Staff (the dispatch agency company). A Client sets up a contract to supply temporary labor with JL-Staff, and JL-Staff contracts an employment agreement with the temp staff. The temp staff then works according to the directive orders of the Client.

JL-Staff is a reliable go-between for companies and schools that ask for highly talented individuals and those people who seek better work, and we answer questions suitably according to either's various demands.

Taking advantage of the unique know-how cultivated in the School Consultancy area of our Education Division, JL-Staff is able to capitalize on its strengths in the placement of workers, and provide Introductions and Training. By actually getting to know the school or company, JL-Staff can understand all the Client's needs for workers and can offer precise and prompt action and service.


“I want to harness my staff's skill and experience.”

Great! This is a synergistic offer of a job opportunity and a supporting staff. We at JL-Staff see it as our important mission to make sure that people use their potential in forward-looking ways at the Client's company or school. As the first linguistic employment agency in Japan founded on Educational Solutions, a thorough support and follow-up organization are available from registration through employment.


Service List

Responding to the developing needs in the complex Human Resource world from a new perspective and in new fields.

JL-Staff's Total Human Resources service covers the broad fields of Educational Consultancy (placement of Foreign and Bi-Lingual Lecturers, Training Courses for Workers, and Project Outsourcing), Information Technology Development, Economics Course development and the international placement of language students in over 70 countries, both in public and private schools.

Moreover, as the #1 Educational Consultancy Firm in Japan, we have proposals for New Educational Solutions that are in keeping with the changing work style of the times.


【Schools】                            【Companies】
* Educational Human Resources          * Bi-Lingual Corporate Human Resources
* Training Projects                    * Consulting
* Project Outsourcing                   * Worker Training


Highly skilled Foreign and Bi-lingual Worker placement

These workers can step in and be effective immediately on a term-time basis, securing flexibility according to market considerations.


The merits of Dispatch placement:

Workers can be secured and placed flexibly depending on the broad needs of the Client, such as when a talented person is needed on short-term notice to step in and be immediately effective or when a sudden need for personnel recruitment arises. The increased efficiency of business is attained and effective cost reduction is supported.


*Effective reduction of costs

    **JL-Staff performs a consistent placement of staff according to the Client's needs so that time, effort and recruitment procedure costs can be saved by the Client.
    **Since the manpower and employment relationships are undertaken by JL-Staff, various kinds of welfare expenses, including bonuses and retirement allowances, can be reduced.
    **By supplying staff who can step in and be effective immediately on a term-time basis, costs are efficiently utilized.


The merits of Introductions:

*The practical use of talented staff can be used according to the volume of business and a flexible arrangement is possible for term-time work, a series of times or other factors.
*Since the person who is dispatched has sufficient skill and experience, there is no need for the Client to take on the burden of training or education.
*'Activation' of the workplace is promoted
    **Since a temp-staff worker with a clear working nature and skills is dispatched, there is an improvement in the human factor of school or company affairs - and that positively 'activates' the workplace environment.


Employment System

The system of temporary staffing is a 3-tier relationship between a Client (school or company), the Dispatch staff (temporary worker), and JL-Staff (the dispatch agency company). According to directives from the Client regarding salary and work rules, JL-Staff performs all labor relations under an employment relationship.


Flow-Chart for use of the system

Consultation JL-Staff listens to the Client's needs in detail.
Proposal of an Introductory Plan An in-depth data analysis is conducted based on the requirements of the Client and an effective Introductory Plan is proposed.
Staff Appointment Based on the temp-staff's information which has been accurately acquired by a thorough interview and skills' analysis in the registration process, JL-Staff introduces the optimal workers.
Start of Employment Staff is precisely informed of employment conditions and requests with a smooth operating start kept in mind.
Dispatch of the Staff The JL-Staff member in charge dispatches the staff, and performs follow-up, always striving for service maintenance and improvement.


Temp to Full-time

This system responds to an organization's year-round recruiting, allowing more flexible staff assignment to be made.

This is a system in which both the school and a worker placed by JL-Staff agree to observe the worker's performance during a fixed period of time as temp staff, changing into direct employment as regular personnel. The observation period is mutually agreed upon by the school or company and the JL-Staff worker before Dispatch occurs. Since the worker's capability and skill are discerned during the Dispatch Period, the Client's labor, time and personnel adoption costs are reduced.

The dispatch period for observation is any time within 6 months of dispatch. This period is classified as an introduction and the laws and regulations are applied in that manner.


Merits of Temp to Full-time

Since JL-Staff selects a person quickly from their high-talent pool in accordance with the requests of the school or company, labor and time concerning adoption of the staff is mitigated.

*High-precision personnel adoption is possible
    *The worker's proper capabilities can be discerned within the dispatch contract term, allowing for positive personnel adoption to be attained.
*Reduction of Costs
    *Various costs concerning the adoption of personnel, such as advertising and interview processes, can be reduced.


Flow-Chart for use of the system

A request for Temp to Full-time JL-Staff listens to the Client's needs in detail.
Appointment and introduction of the worker(s) Based on the staff information that has been accurately acquired by a thorough interview and working-skills measurement in the registration process, JL-Staff introduces the optimal workers.
Dispatch Contract begins
Check of intentions between Client and staff Both the Client and the worker get to check the other's intentions in this phase
Mutual agreement Decisions, employment conditions and requests are precisely communicated to both the Client and the temp staff.
Dispatch period ends With the end of the dispatch period, the dispatch contract is completed.
Adoption of Regular Personnel status


The Strengths of JL-Staff

Due to the changeability of the current employment environment, JL-Staff has been to many Schools and Companies and has clearly understood the requests and intentions of each Client through our inspections and analysis.

The Proposals we are able to make to a Company or Educational Organization are based on their current needs and future trends that we are confident of founded on our know-how developed through our extensive consultancy experience.

JL-Staff is well versed in the current trends in the Educational and Corporate marketplace and will propose the Optimal Solution for both the Client and the Individual to mutually grow.


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